Freitag, 28. März 2014

Masterchiefcook Nıca: "Käsebrot"

Welcome to the today's issue of "Masterchiefcook Nica" wuhuhuuu!!!
Today we are going to bake a "Käsebrot".
Some of you might now think, that we only take a bread and put a slice of cheese on top, wrong!!! 
We are going to bake a bread, where the cheese is inside! :0 I know, that is so crazy.

For this we need:

300g Flour
230ml Water
1 Backhefe ( I took backpulver, because I had no Backhefe, but it worked^^...)
1 El Salt
around 200-250g Cheese  ( I used edamer)

First of all, we are going to vorheizen the oven. 195°C Hydrobacken
Then we are going to make the Teig. You take the flour, the water, the Backhefe and the salt. Put it in a bowl and mix it. After it is solidified we give the cheese to that and mix it again.

Then we put the Teig in a baking dish and into the oven.
Here is my Teig:

Now we leave it for about 35-45 minutes in the oven, after that the bread should be finished.

Almost done. That looks good^^

Here is my result:

It doesn't look like I imagined it, but it smells very good and, of course, we have a Kruste. Everything should have a Kruste!
You should eat it, when it is warm, because it is better then. But you can also eat it , when it is cold ;)

That was it for today. Goodbye and until next time.

juhk. d

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